Saturday, June 30, 2012



This is it! The game we've all been waiting for. The first Bioshock was one of the greatest games ever made; from one great well balanced story to impeccable lighting and scenery designs. Bioshock was an exsperience. If you played it, you know it.

Bioshock 2 however was one of the biggest piles of crap I've every played. If you played that, you know it.

What was the difference between Bioshock 1 and 2? The creators of the game. Nobody on 1 made 2. So what about Bioshock 3. Who made that? Lucky for us all it was the original creators. So if you haven't watched the trailer, watch it!



So my new EW mag., came in today, thank goodness. And in the golden pages of Pop-culture nirvana there's an article about a band I never heard of breaking up. Normally, unknown bands break up every day, and much like a fart in the wind we're glad when their gone.

So what is this blurb about Professor? This band if full of writers, well known writers like Stephen King, Amy Tan, Matt Groening and more. Yes, "THE" Stephen King, Uncle Stevie himself on vocals no less.

No offense Steve, but I've never heard your music but I've heard you talk. Not the greatest voice, a bit nasally, really. And in the EW it showed you on the mic, and for that reason alone your music is dead to me.



But, what the heck is it about Nicolas Cage. I rent every one of his movies and I dislike almost all of them. He's a terrible actor, plays one part Nick Cage. And the next time he has a move (which will be soon I'm sure -- I'll rent that too, and I'll hate it. But damn, there is something about Nick Cage that makes me want to waste $5.00.

If you are plagued with the same self abuse, is there a cure? Please tell me the cure!

Friday, June 29, 2012

VID: Crazy Lady


This lady is awesome. Have fun laughing.

Thursday, June 28, 2012



It's hard to be great at what you do and also likable. Ann wasn't fun to watch at all. She made me feel uncomfortable and I hate feeling uncomfortable.

All day Reporters have been talking about how good Ann is as a reporter. I guess I don't really care about that. Are any of the hosts on the Today show reporters? Can I be a reporter if I read off of cue cards? No. But what they have to be in likable and be able to deliver the topics. Ann was only good at the delivery.

The older I get the more I understand that it's not how good you are at what you do, but how much people like you.

Goodbye Ann Curry, we've had good times and bad, we've laughed and cried but mostly cried.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012



I could watch the old reruns with Charlie Sheen over and over and over. I knew what jokes were coming next but didn't care. The dynamic between Alan and Charlie was fun and didn't feel forced, unlike some long haired people we know.

Is it me or is Kutcher playing this character like Kelso (if this isn't how you spell it, I really don't care enough to look it up).

p.s. I'm really getting tired of those dumb Nikon finger commercials with Kelso. Either their selling a lot of Finger Cameras or some fool in suit drew up too big of a contract.




I don't really get it. I'm a huge comic book fan. My books are all bagged, backed and boxed. Last time I moved my books I had to make four trips with an industrial dolly. But enough about me and my obsession. Let's get back to this movie. Was is too dark? Was it lacking an upside down kiss in an Alley?

From a great storyline to impeccable direction to one really cool antihero Rochard, it doesn't get much better than this. Look, I like most comic book movies but not many are really movies. Mostly their entertaining and fun, then when the credits end you wipe your buttery fingers and leave. No second thought about what you just watched. But not this movie. This is art. So give it another chance. Pop it in, stream it, whatever, I'm telling ya' you'll be surprised at how good it really is.



Is this what you think of when Zombie's attack? We've been hearing a lot about the Undead Apocalypse. No doubt it has a lot to do with the multitude of unbalance freaks out there; like the guy who ate that homeless guy's face, or the woman who attempted to eat her infants arm or even the guy who had that other dudes hands and brain bits in a Tupperware, (I hope it was Glad, keeps it fresher).

I'm not convinced, something weird is definitely happening, but zombies? No, not a chance. But I'll keep an open mind, if one of these face eating freaks ever comes knocking at my door I will not hesitate in taking them down to China town.

ART: Pierangelo Boog's

One of the hardest things about art is making composition feel natural. To guide the viewers eye around the picture, attempting not to let it go. Although the composition in this picture is forced-to-the-extreem, it's done with masterful technique.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012


I love books. Lot's of books. 

If it's good I'll read it. 

A month ago my cousin recommended this book to me. I was finishing George R. R. Martin's, A Song of Ice and Fire for the second time, so I had time. There aren't many times in literature where a book speaks to every part of your being. 

Maybe it's because I'm a Graphic/Web Designer. Maybe it's because I write code. Or maybe it's because I play video games like it's my job. Honestly, it's all of the above. I highly recommend this for anyone who loves the future, video games, pop culture, computers and the 80's. For everyone else, I still highly recommend this book, but want to know what's wrong with you.

Monday, June 25, 2012


If you haven't heard another Picasso was defaced by spray paint. I'm an "Artist" -- I hate the term -- and years ago someone stepped on one of my pictures and put a crease in the paper. Instantly I was enraged, all the hours I put into that picture and now the paper has a crease in it! 

For those of you that aren't artistically inclined, we know every stroke we've ever made in our work. Every hour spent pulling that image out form the paper or canvas is deeply personal.

The picture above is not just shapes rendered with paint. It's a piece of Picasso's soul. The Truth is, if Picasso were here he'd be in jail for 1st, 2nd and 3rd degree murder (all on the same person). You might think that's a bit drastic, but he'd go nuts on the vandal.

I don't think this person should go to jail and waste tax payers money. But they should have to pay a huge fine, have to register as an art offender and get a punched right in the face.


The Facebook Illusion

Who else was a contender? Zuck did the impossible. He made every Joe-Smo feel like a celebrity. How many friends can I get? How many "Likes", or the Holy Grail of Facebook: The all powerful Comment.

Like everyone, I have a Facebook account but after the first year I quickly grew disillusioned. My "Friends" list exploded into the hundreds, full of people I never hung around with. The posts I read were so mind numbingly dumb, one day I exploded and made a "Comment Dump" and quit Facebook. 

Not unlike a Crack Addict it was really hard to give up my addiction. Althogh I didn't post comments I checked Facebook daily for months, wondering what was going on? What are people doing? The answer to that question was nothing, or they are doing what you're doing. So what are you doing? Anything exciting? Anything worth talking about ten times a day with one-hundred of your closest  "Friends". 

Look, Facebook was fun. But it's over! 
Unless Zuck figures out what to do next he's going to end up like Tom.

Comment Dump is below if you're interested...

 I can’t take it anymore. I’m going to signing off of Facebook on May 2 @ 5:00pm. If you have something to say you better say it. Otherwise call. But if you call I don’t want to hear ‘Where you ate’ ‘a comment you like’ ‘a song quote’ or anything else Facebookian which makes my brain feel like soup being defecated from Forest Gump’s anus. I can’t wait to be socially retarded again. To not have the urge to check Facebook 30 times a day. I want my life back. Why? Because I don’t really care about all the nothing you did today and nor will I care tomorrow. Farewell my faux friends. Farewell to your ‘Likes’. Farewell to Facebook. I realize that I really didn’t want to know.

(Not one of my greatest online moments, but it's from the heart.)